Published: July 31, 2022
This is a friendly reminder that were are still looking for volunteers to join in the formation of Social, Neighborhood / Crime Watch, and/or Advisory Committees. Please notate on Volunteer Form which Committee you are interested in joining and return completed form to Cinnamon Anderson at canderson@essexhoa.com or ashlea@essexhoa.com by Monday, August 1st, 2022. Click Full Story for more information
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Published: July 31, 2022
As a courtesy, we would like to advise the homeowners residing in the West Phase of the community that there will be soil & erosion repairs performed in the common areas between townhome units to help address erosion at the perennial bed level. We anticipate work to commence the end of August &/or into September, weather permitting. The job will last 2-3 days and will include the addition of river rock, irrigation repairs & plant replacements, as needed.
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Published: July 21, 2022
We want to communicate to you that with the recent drought/electricity concerns that we are experiencing throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, our landscaping vendor(s) are working as diligently as possible to keep everything under control. The landscaping vendor(s) are mowing/watering as much as they can without causing damage to the turf areas/common areas.
Due to the hot temperatures & water restrictions, landscapers are putting any plant/shrub/tree replacements on hold as well as, chemical applications. Owners may see common areas & neighboring lawns in a state of decline. Please be advised that Management is aware of the possible issues that may arise and appreciate your patience during this time. Click Full Story for more information.
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